View Member Account - Brendan Harney

All this info requires Brendan Harney’s ID.

While Doctor ID is the logges in user.

Here is your patient’s progress

Current BMI:           



Starting Weight:    on

Current Weight:      on

Weight lost:             

Target Weight :     
Current BMI:           

Still to Lose:           

Activity Level         Not Specified


Please ensure all relevant data to calculate calorie intake has been entered i.e. Activity Level, Date of Birth, Current Weight, Gender and Height.

calories / day.

BMR                         No Gender specified calories / day


Please ensure all relevant data to calculate calorie intake has been entered i.e. Activity Level, Date of Birth, Current Weight, Gender and Height.

calories / day

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Food Rules

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Medical History

NameYour EmailDate Created

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NameYour EmailDate Created

Patient Prescription Renewal Feeback Form

Date CreatedNameHow many months have you been on your weight-management medication?How much weight have you lost?Have you started taking any other prescribed medication since your last prescription for weight loss medication?If yes, you have “started taking other prescribed medication”, please describe it here.Please describe in general how you feel your weight loss program is goingPlease describe in detail any (and all) the side effects you may have felt.Do you wish to continue with the medication you are currently prescribed?If yes, do feel comfortable maintaing the scheduled dosage in line with the pharmaceutical manufacturerIf no, please indicate what you feel like doing at this time.

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Date CreatedNameHow many months have you been on your weight-management medication?How much weight have you lost?Have you started taking any other prescribed medication since your last prescription for weight loss medication?If yes, you have “started taking other prescribed medication”, please describe it here.Please describe in general how you feel your weight loss program is goingPlease describe in detail any (and all) the side effects you may have felt.Do you wish to continue with the medication you are currently prescribed?If yes, do feel comfortable maintaing the scheduled dosage in line with the pharmaceutical manufacturerIf no, please indicate what you feel like doing at this time.

Prescription History

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Prescription Issued Record
Patient NameConinue with the patient’s current course of treatment?Please provide the reason for ending the drug treatment:Medication PrescribedPharmacy Selected by PatientPrescribing Doctor’s NameDate Created

No prescriptions have yet been recorded.

Patient NameConinue with the patient’s current course of treatment?Please provide the reason for ending the drug treatment:Medication PrescribedPharmacy Selected by PatientPrescribing Doctor’s NameDate Created

New Prescription Record

New Prescription Record

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Patient Contact Information


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